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Cool Privacy Stuff

This Privacy Policy explains how Her Finance, together with License Holder - Your Advisor Group,  handle your personal information.​

Why Do We Collect Your Personal Information?

We need to collect personal information about you to effectively provide you with our services. 
This information is required to assist us in determining your needs and subsequently preparing your loan application. If your information is not provided we may not be able to assist in finding a loan relevant to your circumstances. We can confirm that your information is kept in Australia.
How Do We Use Your Personal Information? 

Unless you tell us otherwise, we may use your information to provide you with future offers or information about other products or services we, or a third party provider. We will always let you know that you can opt out from receiving marketing offers. You can let us know at any time if you no longer wish to receive direct marketing offers from us. We will process your request as soon as possible.
Who Do We Share Your Personal Information With? 

Our aggregators, our authorising Australian Credit Licensee (ACL) Your Advisor Group Pty Ltd, our credit representatives (and/or their related entities and representatives), may disclose your information to other organisations to help us provide our services to you. 
The types of organisations we may disclose your information to include but are not limited to, banks, lenders, financiers, mortgage insurers, other mortgage intermediaries, licensed valuers and other organisations that may assist us (such as lawyers, and accountants) in facilitating your loan. We may disclose your personal information to any other organisation that may wish to, or has acquired, an interest in your loan or in our business.
Furthermore, your information may be provided to the above-mentioned entities or used by them (or us) to obtain relevant checks such as credit and identity checks with any relevant credit reporting authority (eg. Equifax credit reporting) and/or any other organisations capable of providing such credit references.​

What Responsibility Do I Have For My Information?
As part of your information disclosure requirements to us, by accepting the Privacy Statement, you also declare that the information that you are providing is true and correct at the time of signing the consent. ​It is also your responsibility to contact us should your personal information change or if you believe information we hold is inaccurate, out of date, incomplete or misleading.​

What Information Do we Collect and Hold?​

Her Finance may collect and hold various types of information from you throughout our process.

This could include:
Personal ID information such as your name, postal and email address, telephone numbers, and date of birth;
Income verification information; and
other information we think is necessary.

How Do You Access Your Personal Information?

Unless there are legal reasons preventing us, we will always provide you with access to your personal information. You can gain advice regarding what private information we hold of yours by contacting us via mail to The Privacy Officer at
If you require further information about your privacy, you can visit the Federal Privacy Commissioner’s website at
Why Is The Lender Also Asking Me to Provide a Privacy and Consent? 

Please note that as part of your application process (if your enquiry leads to an application) you will be required to sign third-party privacy consents.  This is a standard requirement by our providers such as lenders, mortgage insurers, solicitors and similar to ensure that you understand their privacy obligations as well.
As part of the communication, data gathering and information collection process you have been provided with this official Credit Guide.  This is an important document that outlines key points about who we are, your engagement of our services, how we are paid and processes for complaints resolution.
By proceeding with your enquiry, you confirm that you have not only received this Credit Guide but have read and understood the content and agree to the details within.


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